MSE-005 [MineGear Merch]


MineGear Webpage

Item: 005

Type: Media

Class: Dangerous Removed

Security: The Media Departnent took the Website down, there is a safe archived version of the site.

Description: MSE-005 is a knock-off Minecraft merch website called "MineGear Merch", Images on the website include "Corrupted Knock-off merch". Do NOT buy anything on the website, many users wanted to buy merch here, some people who bought stuff has gone missing.

[Safe Archived Version]

MSE-005-1 [The Masked]


Item: 005-1

Type: Real

Class: Dangerous Unknown

Description: MSE-005-1 is a 190cm tall person with a large low-quality "Minecraft" mask, Theese people work for the company behind "MineGear Merch". MSE-005-1 can be violent, they stalk their victims who bought a Knock-Off merchandise, and they try to kidnap him to bring him to an unknown location.

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