Item: 007
Type: Mob/Entity
Security: 5 Security account should guard MSE-006 (A.K.A MSE-Site-10), MSE-006 Should be full of MSE-007 clones.
Description: MSE-007 is a default player that has the ability to clone himself, he's one of the only MineSecure Entity that has its document saved before the MSE-006 Incident.
Sighting: I was playing alone in my world building castles and other buildings, i wanted to make a small cave enterance to make an underground sewer. I was breaking grass and placing cobblestone, when i got back from the sewer i saw a small dirt and wood house, i went inside and i saw 2 identical default skin, something was weird i wasn't playing multiplayer plus they didn't have a nametag. I approched them and i saw them multiply, i was shocked, i also saw them build sky scrapers of dirt and cobblestone, i went to the forums asking other people, noone responded. I found this submit site called MineSecure and decided to submit my sighting of this weird default skin. -Written by █████