Item: 008
Type: Media
Security: Media Department took the number down and it cannot be accessed.
Description: MSE-008 takes form of a Phone Number: +███,1█4,20█. If u would accept the call you will hear an AI voice saying "YOU JUST WON A FREE COPY OF MININGCRAFT! TELL US YOUR INFORMATION AND WE SEND IT TO YOU!". After 3 weeks your mail will arrive, the mail would consists of: Pipe-Bomb, a Burned Letter, and a Bootleg Copy of Minecraft. If u ever call this number please notify MineSecure and we get it removed.
Item: 008-1
Type: Real
Security: Media Department looks through the contents of the game every 3 days.
Description: MSE-008-1 is a small CD that u could get in your package using MSE-008 Phone-Number, The CD consists of 3 Files: A "READ ME" file, a Launcher for the game, And some scripts for the game. The game has no archived version of the moment.