MSE-010 [Chestbound Enchant]


MSE-010 Enchant

Item: 010

Type: Enchant

Class: Neutral

Security: All current MSE-010 items should be sent to the closest MineSecure server and get it tested.

Description: The Chestbound Enchant currently has no Enchantment Book version, MSE-010 can only be found in chests on random items, for example: Swords, Tools, Blocks, etc. U can't put the item in the chest and wait for it to have the Enchant. The Enchant has a 50/50 chance to either get MSE-010-1 or MSE-010-2.

MSE-010-1 [Dragon's Rage]


Item: 010-1

Type: Effect

Class: Safe

Description: This is one of the Effect that MSE-010 can give to the player. MSE-010-1 gives player theese effects: Player can deal 80% more damage on any Tools, 5 Extra Hearts, 25% Speed Boost.

MSE-010-2 [Revenge Of The Dragon]


Item: 010-2

Type: Effect

Class: Moderate

Description: This is one of the Effect that MSE-010 can give to the player. MSE-010-2 gives player theese effects: Player can't deal 80% damage on any Tools, Decreases 5 Hearts, Decreases Player's walking ability to 75%, Permanent Posion Effect that u cant get rid of.

Sighting: Me and my friend were playing in our survival world mining for iron, i suddenly saw a cobble stone wall and said to my friend "Look its a dungeon!" we mined the cobble stone walls and killed the monsters, i looked inside of my chest and it had an enchanted sword with a enchant i was not familiar with. The enchant was called "ChestBound" after looking it up i didnt found anything. I told my friend about this weird enchant and he said "Probably a new update.". So i decided to equip it to check it out, i immediately saw an effect on me. it was super cool, my friend also found the same enchant on a bow, he said "I also got the special enchant too!", he equiped it and it was weird for him. He said he had a permanent poison effect and only walk slowly. i told him to drop the Bow and he said it woudnt drop out of his inventory, he tried leaving and rejoining and other stuff but it didnt work. -Written by C00lB0iCraftz