MSE-013 [Abandoned Chest]


013 Chest in a Desert

Item: 013

Type: Structure

Class: Neutral Safe

Security: There should be 3 Spectator accounts watching over to find MSE-013-1 mobs.

Description: MSE-013 is a abandoned chest with the purpose to attack players using MSE-013-1's. MSE-013 contains theese items: Gold ingot, Gold nugget, and Blocks and Plants which comes from the Biome it spawns for example: Desert has Sand and Dead bushes while Taiga has Podzol and Fern.

MSE-013-1 [Rotten Crab]


013-1 behind MSE-013

Item: 013-1

Type: Mob/Entity

Class: Neutral

Description: MSE-013 is a Head with 2 legs that hides inside of the ground near MSE-013. If a person opens MSE-013 then 3 MSE-013-1's will come out of the sand to attack the Player.

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